I am at a loss to understand the disparity in the gold (game-time) WoW Token price between the EU and NA regions. Many people have tried to explain it, but none of the explanations ring true.
However my investigations have now uncovered the truth. Let's look in the NA region first. The token price rolls between about 24 000g and 20 000g. Let's examine that.
If you want some Azerothian* gold, you would buy a $teel (RMT) WoW Token from Blizzard for $20. If you need the gold instantly, you stick it on the AH immediately, and are take whatever the going rate is. If you can wait a little, you sell it only when the price nears 24 000g (I showed yesterday how the peaks and troughs are predictable).
What about buyers of the gold (game-time) WoW Token? You buy that at auction. If you need the token instantly, you buy it at whatever the going rate is. If you can wait a little, you buy it only when the price nears 20 000g.
So we can pretty much see that for most people, sellers get 24 000g and buyers spend 20 000g. This is a bargain for buyers, of course. If you can make 1 000g/hr, that's only 20 hours of farming**. Oops! That means I'm farming at a rate of $1/hour. That's okay, if it's fun, and you'd be doing it anyway. But otherwise, wouldn't I be better off buying a token and working an hour extra in overtime on Earth? Ah, but if I've got kids, the situation changes. I can use them as slaves.
Now let's look at Europe. On EU realms, sellers get about 43 000g and buyers pay about 33 000g. Great deal for sellers, right? Let's assume again that I can make 1 000g/ hour, so it takes me 33 hours of farming to earn a gold WoW game-time token. Since the token costs €20 or £15, that's an income of 61c or 45p an hour. Thank goodness for kids, eh? Finally all those six-year-old kids out playing football can be put to good use. Sadly it's illegal for them to sweep chimneys now, but there's nothing preventing me from enslaving them in the mines of Azeroth.
So I think I've shown what's behind the disparity. Europeans have more slaves.
* What an ugly word. I much prefer "Azerothean". However the Azerothian Diamond shows Blizzard's preferences.
** Your mileage may vary. Feel free to use your own rates.
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lies ...
2 hours ago
Heh nice read
ReplyDeleteAccording to someone i read (cant recall who sorry) the difference in price might be explained by EU servers simply having more gold on them (which is apparently the case). It should also be the case that goldseller prices are lower in eu, corresponding with a higher goldprice for the token, making the token sellers get more gold per dollar.
It could well be possible, Shandren. I just don't know. And I don't know why EU servers would have more gold than NA servers. Anyway, thanks for your comment. Food for thought.