I'm a mage on the Azuremyst EU WoW realm. I started writing because I couldn't easily find many blogs relevant to beginners like me. I'm still writing just for the fun of it.
Civilization VII: Tips for the Exploration Age
I wasn't a big fan of Civ6, and only played 40 hours of that. In Civ7 I am
already nearing that mark in just the advanced access period. I always
liked the...
Pillars of Eternity 2 – pre Avowed
Avowed comes out in a week. The setting is shared with the Pillars of
Eternity games, and I played the heck out of the first one. I enjoyed every
aspect of...
Voidstones and Third Atlas Tree
Hey Folks! I spent most of this weekend playing Path of Exile while
listening to audiobooks, which is a pretty freaking great time. I am still
Fallout 76: The legendary sheepsquatch!
This week I ventured down into the area of Fallout 76 known as the Ash
Heap. It’s a lot of stuff burning or previously burned, soot in the air,
ugly mines,...
Why we need to Blog again
A post worth reading, and said better than I ever could. Andy’s Blog: Why
Blog If Nobody Reads It? Blogging forces clarity. It makes you structure
your tho...
More Writing About Writing
This is one of those (Thankfully rare.) days when I want to post something
but don't have anything to post about. Obviously, that's not *literally *true....
Shadowverse: Worlds Beyond… your wallet
I have not played Shadowverse in… whoa, about eight years. So, while it
affects me personally very little, it did still come as a shock recently
when I fou...
Meme Monday: Valentine's Day Memes for 2025
Yes, I know, Valentine's Day is on Friday, but I'd rather be early than
late. Therefore, here's several Valentine's Day memes for gamers, both
tabletop and...
Icewind Dale Retrospective
We have officially played the final chapter in our Rime of the Frostmaiden
campaign. At the time of this post’s writing, it has not been released so
I’ll r...
So, Incursions.
With my Season of Discovery main in her high forties now, I've reached the
part of the game that made up SoD's phase three, which - based on what I
d20 rules comparison 2.0
Back in 2019 I did a rules comparison post between Dungeons & Dragons 3rd
edition, 5th edition and the Starfinder tabletop roleplaying games. Fast
forward ...
Sniper Elite Resistance: 10 Tips
I have played Sniper Elite for over a decade, through all its various
iterations. Although the core game mechanics stay broadly the same, over
time a lot o...
A Tale of Three Dusts
The video game industry is undergoing some dysfunction and disrepair of
late. Despite Chinese games like Black Myth: Wukong selling well, and “free
to play...
Videogame Radio and Soundtrack Spotlight
Over the holidays I’ve been listening to a lot of retro VGM, as well as
catching up with some newer soundtracks. A recurring favorite of mine in
this conte...
WoW: War Within Its Story
So. Y’all probably know that I don’t play WoW since I finished the launch
story (up till the first raid entrance) in Dragonflight. The thing is, it
does no...
Flooding Gaiamar
A true story of what happened in the pre-alpha testing last night in Stars
Reach. It began as an upwelling under a basement. Oh, ever since the crater
Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred
Diablo IV's first expansion, Vessel of Hatred, launched a couple of weeks
ago. Some thoughts:
Blizzard made the same...mistake is not quite the word I want...
Twelve Years in the Making!
All this goofing off finally paid off! Son of Galleon is mine! I don’t know
why but I always enjoyed going back to Pandaria for this mount, in fact I’m
2024 Convention Plans
After the year’s convention season wraps up, I like to start planning for
]next year’s events. These get slotted into DEFINITE and MAYBE bins, with
the und...
What is Blaugust? 2023 Edition
I jumped right into the previous post without actually explaining
Blaugust. So... what is it? Blaugust is an excuse to get people
blogging... in Augus...
The Trials of Czech Heavy Tanks
Czech Grind Again By: IrmaBecx So the update has dropped, and the big news
is of course a new tech tree branch. I’ve kind of been slacking off lately,
The Other White Meat
Slipping in a bit under the wire for poetry month, I know — despite the
best of intentions, this month has ended up getting away from me a bit.
Since I do ...
Dragonflight: Gathering
Dragonflight: Gathering My main is a miner (and engineer) and has been
working at it since the expansion began. My fresh-and-simple Evoker is an
Tank: The Next Generation
Some weeks ago I ran the design a tank competition. The number of entries
was rather low, as in, only two designs. One design came in, on the last
day, a...
Football Manager: A (Weald)Stone’s Throw Away
Oh let’s just pile right on into it shall we? WREXHAM (predicted finish:
12th) TWELFTH! Currently third in the league but with a game in hand over
the team...
Why It’s Been Quiet Around Here
Yeah, it’s been quiet around here. Not because I’m not working on this
blog… but rather because I’m doing something insane. I’ll just say that
I’ve not bee...
FF14 – The Best MMORPG?
I’ve seen/read lots of discussions comparing WoW and FF14 with arguments
for and against the never-ending opinion wars of which one is the “best”
8 Great Free-To-Play Online Video Games
When money is scarce, it is more critical than ever to get the most bang
for your buck. It can be difficult if you’re a video game fanatic, and
games can...
New Darkstar Site Launched!
See the new Darkstar site here! I’m happy to announce that the
newly-designed Coming of the Darkstar site has been launched. Similar to
the re-make for Nef...
Back to Final Fantasy 14
Since the last post here I’ve been mostly playing Final Fantasy 14, having
joined the many in quitting WoW over Blizzard being… New Blizzard? Let’s
not foc...
Chapter 23: Wild Rivers and Still Waters
Mira groaned as she struggled to pull herself into the realm of
consciousness. The back of her head felt like it was being stabbed by a
thousand needles....
I just wanted to show that things can get better little did I know what my
next year was going to be…
And I cannot stress enough if you are or know some...
POKER DAILY PROMOTIONS See calendar for monthly list. Bad Beat 100% Oneida
Casino funded. Bad Beat increases $200 per day. Play Texas Hold’Em to be
6.0 Vengeance Juggernaut PvE Guide by Aizo
Class Introduction Vengeance is a damage over time (dot) spec of
Juggernaut, in 6.0 meta wise it’s in a quite finicky spot, since on one
side it brings a...
Top games and components for the holidays:
Top games and components for the holidays: As we get ready for the holiday
season, there are a plethora of gifting options that target all kinds of
Just chilling with other games
I haven’t been in WoW as much as I would usually during the end of an expac
finishing off all the things I would like to finish, but I am well aware I
Brian “Psychochild” Green Passed Away
Just saw this floating around the internet. As one of the few folks in the
industry I met in person, I’ve always tried to keep in touch with Brian. He
was ...
That’s the Way Love Is
Oh look, it’s April. It’s also the month when Shadowlands will begin to be
streamed, written about and plastered all Continue reading →
20 Best Science Fiction Books Of The Decade,,,,
Writers and Plastic Artists who wish that their stories, poems, articles,
essays, drawings and science fiction collaborations be taken into account
for pub...
Happy New Year, 2020!
Happy New Year! May 2020 be a great year! Sharing some of my last shots of
the year, up top is Rift and the rest are EQ. I still immensely enjoy both.
Shadowbarb Drone Guide
If you know me, you know it doesn’t take much to get me back to Uldum. In
fact, there’s quite a lot that leads us back to the zone but a bug mount?
Tell ...
Roleplaying Adventures
I'm now officially a roleplayer. My journey to the geek side is complete.
I can now claim to be a video gamer, a board gamer, a miniature war gamer
and a ...
Actual Blizzcon News Recap
After the last, admittedly pretty touchy-feely blog post, I figured it was
time for something a bit more concrete and analytical regarding all of the
news ...
Parting thoughts on another Blaugust
Another August has come and gone, and I've filled a month with posts and
didn't miss a day by my reckoning! So it was a successful Blaugust... in
that rega...
Day in the Life
I decide on the spur of the moment to leave my home in Darnassus and reach
out to my real spiritual home of Stormwind but talk about pick your
moments. I f...
Old School Grind Was the Real Participation Trophy
When people talk about modern conveniences in MMOs — like more accessible
gear and better quality of life features — inevitably you’ll have some
people c...
You can’t go home again… can you?
After much soul searching, I couldn’t justify going Night Elf…the human
racials are just so much better for both PvP and PvE. I made the original
Erinys wi...
Raiding - Heroic Za'qul down!
When we were trying it on Monday we seemed to be dying a lot from
overlapping things - Dread, hysteria, manifest nightmares.... We weren't
using our cooldo...
Darkshore Warfront: First and Last time
With 8.2 dropping and seeing lots of blog posts and hearing friends talk
about the new content, I thought I’d resub for a month and have a look at
what’s n...
Associations: Teleporter Spheres
In Obduction, the excellent first person adventure game I completed last
month, teleporting between domes replaced the matter in the shape of a
small spher...
I Really Mean It This Time, Guys!
Short and to the point. I have made the decision to close down
Levelcapped.com. Sorry, two readers; you don’t have to go home but you
can’t stay here. Fact...
Ape Out – Monkey theatre for in between
Now the time has finally come and the monkey is let out of the bag. With
Ape Out, top-down Klopper veterans and fans of liberally detached...
Fifth Times the Charm – Pixels & Dice #64
Today we talk about our experiences with “Dungeons & Dragons” 5th Edition,
what we like, and how we feel it compares with some classic pen-&-paper
Moving to Wordpress
As a thank you to Beej, I'm pimping his stuff. Because he's a great content
creator, too!! When I first started up my Patreon back in ...
Happy (Con)trails
Well, well, this place has gotten a bit dusty. *looks at the last post*
DECEMBER! I have been neglectful, even missing my blogoversary. True that
RL has ...
Solution to the Secret Stones
From March 21, 2018, a hidden chapter to the dwarven saga in the Lord of
the Rings Online was revealed. Unlike the majority of the quests in this
MMO, the ...
[IndieDev] Looking Back and Moving Forward
I'm starting a new job tomorrow, and am no longer the lead programmer for
Eon Altar. For those who follow me on Twitter, this won't come as a
surprise, but...
Pantry Name and Shame: Curry
This guest post was written Max Nash, who is on Twitter at Morality_Police.
We’re also, like, married and stuff. Liore and I are in a never-ending war
That’s it folks.
So my one year of Ancient Mana is coming to an end. After debating with
myself if I wanted to pay for a new year, my laptop basically died. Meaning
I had...
My Secret Shaker Shame
I have a terrible confession to make: for all of my harping on over the
years about how fad foods make me angry, I’ve succumbed to probably the
worst fad...
It's a Small World (of Warcraft)
Who likes an unrelated header? Yes you do! Yes you do! I don't know the
best way to frame this, so I'll start with what I'd normally tack on at the
end: ...
Level 50 Hero
At last my DragonKnight, who started his adventure first week in september,
has reached level 50. And voilá 315 champion points instantly :D I took its
Ding: Level 110!
I am so busy enjoying this expansion that I didn't update my status yet
until now. Last week I reached level 110 after two days and about 20 hours
of play...
Where to Find Foxflowers in Legion
Where to pick Foxflowers in Highmountain
Last time, I recommended starting your herbalist in the Highmountain zone
of World of Warcraft Legion because of...
The magic of Pokemon Go
Over the past few weeks people have been breaking their old habits and
straying from their usual behavior. They have been taken to changing their
normal ...
Hunter auto-targeting is back! Please take it away.
I've spent all my time since the pre-patch launched cleaning up thousands
of BOEs, so today was my first day trying out group content since then. I
jumped ...
What Happened to Battleborn? Some Thoughts…
I’ll just start with this chart, of the peak players of Battleborn on Steam
for the last month. (Note: Steam only, I don’t know if reliable console
stats a...
Simply Understanding
In life you choose your path. There are things you don’t put in the way,
but you choose to either hurdle them or avoid them. You can hurdle it by
Where did the little fishie go?
It’s not behind the sofa… If by ‘fishie’ we mean this blog, and we do, then
it did indeed ‘go wherever I did go’, and that means we are now […]
The Division, Overwatch, and Occupying Time
Dear Reader, The Division continues to be denigrated in various media
outlets, and I continue to play it and enjoy it all the same. I’ve been
pretty consi...
Leader Of The Pack
Playing the current WoW expansion, has left me with plenty time on my
hands, the current content (Thanks for the content patch Blizzard). I have
filled ...
Life in a New Land - In St Louis At Last
Early Morning View from the Diner Well, it's been a while since my last
post but I'm happy to report that everything came together in the end and I
made ...
The Summer Wind ...
*... came blowin' in from across the sea*
Time has moved on since the summer and we’re now smack in the middle of
autumn. My summer this year was simply ma...
Legion, here we come.
I think I can call it good now. My new 3-day mage will see all of Draenor’s
dungeons. And flight is in hand. (With a Vial of Sands, the wife getting
Gamescom 2015 Toys to Life Report
I spend most of my gaming time these days on toys to life franchises,
which I am slowly introducing to my 2-year-old daughter as a way to
populate her dol...
Nice find. I'm a bit torn between laughing and thinking up contingency plans.