I recently became a Conqueror of Orgrimmar. What a relief I felt! I didn't realize how tense and weighed down I was at not having defeated Garrosh until that weight was lifted. I'm sorry, though, that King Varian Wrynn saved Garrosh from Thrall's justice.
In fact, I'm with Lady Proudmoore on how we should proceed: for the first time since the Second War, the Alliance has won an advantage over the horde, due to their internecine rivalries and their disloyalty to their own warchief, Garrosh. It is the perfect time to drive back the invaders from the elven lands of Ashenvale, Darkshore, and holy Azshara; to re-establish the city of Theramore; and to make common cause with the Scarlet Crusade in freeing Lordaeron from the control of its undead abominations. Having killed Garrosh, and with the horde in disarray, we should first establish Orgrimmar as an alliance city.
Light grant that King Varian sees the sense of this.
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